Thursday, April 28, 2011

So far in April

Even though there are a few days left in April I am going to post some stuff so that we can share what a fun month it has been so far. We have moved up to weekly doctor's appointments until Stevie's arrival and recently had a serious of ultrasound measurements done to make sure everything is looking good. (Niki's external measurements were a little small and so the doctor wanted more tests.) The ultrasound measurements put her due date at May 9th, though the OB/GYN says that we will stick with our projected due date of May 6th.We had a bit of a scare last week when Niki experienced prodromal labor symptoms. With contractions consistently five minutes apart and severe back pain it looked like Stevie was coming three weeks early. However the contractions stayed five minutes apart and there was no progress in dilation or effacement. The contractions continued for the next day or so, and the back pain for about five days. Niki is back to feeling as comfortable as can be expected and we're back on for May 6th.

We received a great photo of Brodie enjoying a gift we sent him home with. Look at the little man cruise!

Mitchell started Montessori preschool this month and really enjoys "working" on playing with airplanes, coloring with crayons, and being outside.

When Mitchell is at home we get in a lot of drawing/coloring time too. Here are some of his recent pieces.

Mitchell plays a lot with with his planes and helicopters these day...A LOT...but here he took a break from those to create a line of cars doing wheelies. He was quite proud.

Here Mitchell plays with a helicopter attached to a bucket

Mitchell is earning his keep these days...helping with car washing...

And helping daddy put together furniture...

And of course we have spent some time just being cute.Here we go for bike ride with Daddy...

There's more to follow soon.

1 comment:

nursemeg77 said...

Yikes, i'm so glad the contractions stopped and Stevie is cooking a little longer. Mitch just can't get any cuter, I love watching him grow guys! I'm sure you will see many positive differences in him now that he's in preschool; we have with Ian and he loves school. Great to hear updates; love to the 4 of you!!